Ship Breaking in Bangladesh


Ship Breaking or ship recycling is the process of dismantling an obsolete vessel’s structure for scrapping or disposal, conducted on a dismantling yard. It involves a wide range of activities from removing all the gear and equipment that are on the ships to cutting down and recycling the ship’s infrastructure. Ship breaking is a challenging process, due to the structural complexity of the ships and the environmental, safety and health issues involved.

Ship breakers seek govt steps to extend time by five years.

They also called on the government to re-categorize the industry to orange from existing red, saying that they need an additional 2-3 months to get cutting permission from the environment ministry only for this categorization. The industry stakeholders raised the demands at a roundtable titled ‘Challenges and Possibilities of Ship Recycling in Bangladesh’, organised by Bangladesh Ship Breakers and Recyclers Association (BSBRA) at a city hotel. Former commerce minister Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury, Norway Ambassador in Dhaka Hakon Arald Gulbrandsen …Read More

YPSA’s Training of Trainers Program: Ensuring Safe Handling of Asbestos in Shipbreaking Yards

YPSA has organized eight TOTs on Safe handling of asbestos for the ship recycling workers of Bangladesh. YPSA successfully trained 200 workers on the safe handling of asbestos by conducting eight comprehensive training sessions across various shipbreaking yards. This one of the unique and first ever activities of such kinds by NGOs like YPSA. YPSA with the collaboration of BSBRA (Owner’s Association) have been organizing these TOTs for developing the capacities of the workers in line with the national and …Read More

Our goal is ‘zero deaths’

Once seen as an adversary by yard owners, YPSA now collaborates with workers and owners to transform the shipbreaking yards of Chattogram into safer and greener spaces. Muhammed Ali Shahin, assistant director of YPSA and focal person for its Shipbreaking Campaign, reflects on the organisation’s journey, the challenges it had to overcome, its achievements and its goals for the future Since 2000, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) has been working to improve labour conditions, enhance worker skills, promote welfare …Read More

YPSA organized a cycling rally to raise awareness and safeguard the safety of the shipbreaking yard in Sitakund.

YPSA organized a cycle rally from Faujdarhat ship recycling yard area to Akilpur ship recycling yard with the participation of volunteers on Friday June 14. Volunteers cycle through the entire shipbreaking area. Volunteers distributed 10 different types of sub-standard yard safety posters and festoons and spoke to yard caretakers, managers and explained the benefits of development of green yards. The volunteers also met various yard officers and explained how to properly manage their waste. The rally draws public attention to …Read More

YPSA Organized Fire safety training and Fire Drill to enhance fire safety skills of shipbreaking workers

A fire safety training and drill was held at SN Corporation Ship Recycling Yard, a green yard, in Shitalpur area of Sitdakunda upazila in Chattogram on Thursday, May 16. Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), an organization for sustainable development, organized the training program to develop the skills of the workers Sitakunda Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) K.M. Rafiqul Islam addressed the inaugural ceremony of the program as chief guest. Chaired by YPSA Coordinator Mohammad Ali Shahin, the program was also …Read More

May Day 2024 celebrated by YPSA

Workers-owners will build the country, Bangladesh will be smart Keeping this theme in mind today on 1st May organization for sustainable development organized a colorful rally from Phultala Bazar area of ​​Bar Aulia in Sitakunda and discussion meeting with the participation of workers of various industries and local people from all walks of life. YPSA Coordinator Mohammad Ali Shahin was present as the chief guest in the meeting. He said, Bangladesh’s long-term action plans to ensure labor rights and safe …Read More

Research Reports

Child breaking Yard cover pageEnd of life ship cover pageImpact Costal Zone cover pageBaseline survey cover page
Logo of YPSA Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a non-profit organization for sustainable development started in 1985 (UN International Youth Year). YPSA is registered with the different departments of the people’s republic of Bangladesh. YPSA has been implementing various development programs as per the community needs , monitor and advocate the issues related to ship braking industries. From 1997 YPSA tries to obtain improved working conditions at ship breaking yards of Chittagong, Bangladesh. YPSA organized social campaign program to raise the voice of the mass people about ensuring of the workers’ rights and save the environment and ecology from the pollution that generated from the unsafe and uncontrolled ship breaking practices. YPSA has also been implementing regular policy advocacy to influence the policy makers for taking necessary measures and formulate policy and strategy to conduct ship breaking in a safe and environment friendly way.