The activity of shipbreaking is clustered as one of the hazardous job by the labour law in Bangladesh. So, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), aimed to reduce child labor in the ship breaking yards by arranging vocational training for age appropriate economic opportunities and placing them in non-hazardous jobs. Additionally preparative life-skill training will be provided to empower youngsters inter alia on behavioral change, hygiene practices and interpersonal communication. The project duration was from 2014 to 2016.
Achievements: In order to achieve the project desired goal and outcome project organized the following activity:
Provided Vocational Training to 180 working children on i. Electric House Wiring, ii. Motor Cycle Maintenance and Repairing, plumbing, computer maintenance and repairing. Among them 80% children engaged in decent job and rest are doing daily basis job and looking for permanent job. The project was supported by World Vision Bangladesh.
As a project for the child labour the project has faced several challenges like children dropped out after completion of S.B.E training and sometimes parents agreed to send their children for vocational training but children did not agree to participate and vice versa. The project has been able to achieve its desired goal by providing vocational training to 180 children for age appropriate economic opportunities and placing them in non-hazardous decent jobs.