The project has successfully concluded its activities with workers, government concerned persons, local administration, trade union leaders, local community and so on. The project also supported several injured workers for getting support for medical treatment from their employers and also helped families of the dead workers for receiving compensation. Besides, the project also did awareness activities against child labour. The duration of the project was only, from 2016 to 2018, two years.

Project partners have been able to reach out to the shipbreaking workers through different events and training and have maintained good contacts with government officials, local administrations, trade union leaders and local community organizations. The project has activated the worker’s association. The project has successfully conducted several meetings with the concerned stakeholders, regular campaign activities, meeting with government officials to update about the situation of the yards, meetings with local community and so on.
The project has activated the networking relation with the local government and capacity development. The project has successfully conducted several public events with the concerned stakeholders, regular campaign activities, meeting with government officials to update about the situation of the yards, meetings with local community and so on.

The project has been busy with doing the worker’s association and the wellfare center sustainable. The project has successfully completed all its activities and majorly worked with the government concerned inspection department and different groups of workers to invite them to be member of the worker’s association which has received government registration recently. Such project needs to be extended and supported by the international donor agencies or any philanthropic bodies.
Highlights :
- Supporting the dead workers to claim their compensation and inform the media and concern government organization to do the needful. YPSA also effectively supported several badly injured workers for better treatment and also send letters to the government concerned body to get support from the government welfare fund for the workers.

- YPSA did media work by sharing the information on the controversial Danish ship PRODUCER which beached in Chittagong for dismantling. Besides, YPSA also helped one international journalist for his visit in shipbreaking yard and helped him to collect information and meeting with the people.
- The project also arranged a awareness based cultural program in a place which shipbreaking worker’s concentrated area.
- Organised network with Local Administration, Local Law enforcers, Local trade union leaders to engage them and share them about the overall condition of the shipbreaking and also create coordination among all the concerned local groups.
- YPSA organized a coalition of the workers and also continued their informal sharing meeting in the Lifeboat center in every week to keep the coalition members motivated and engaged with the center and also with the campaign.
- YPSA also arragned a awarenss meeting against the child labour in a village from where many child labours are engaged with shipbreaking activities.
- YPSA helped injured workers and families of the dead workers to gain financial support from the Labour Welfare Fund.
- Successful demonstrations with broad participation of workers, civil society representatives and policy makers and administrators on The World Day for Health and Safety and May Day
Workers remembering their fellow dead workers
- One of the major achievements of the project in last quarter that the project has gained an order from labour court to provide compensation amounting five times more than the amount fixed by the labour act for a mother of a dead worker who died in 2017.
- The project succeeded to produce many national and international media reports which has effective impact to influence the concerned agencies.
- As regular activities, YPSA also effectively supported several badly injured workers for better treatment and also send letters to the government concerned body to get support from the government welfare fund for the workers.
- The major achievements of the project that it has organized Occupational Health day, May day, environment day and Child labour elimination day together with the concerned government bodies.