Ship Breaking and Recycling Industry of Bangladesh : The Business Inspection
Published by : Ali Shahin Posted on : October 4, 2022
Ship Breaking and Recycling Industry of Bangladesh : The Business Inspection
শ্রমিকের মৃত্যু ঘটলে আমদানি নিষেধাজ্ঞার সিদ্ধান্ত : বণিক বার্তা
Govt. must take immediate step: The daily Newage (editorial)
216-workers-killed-in-shipbreaking-yards-in-last-15-years: YPSA (News on The Dhaka Tribune)
216 shipbreaking workers die in 15 years: YPSA (News on The Daily New Age)
7-more-workers-lose-their-lives-ship-breaking-industry-2020 : YPSA (News on The Business Standard)