YPSA Organized Fire safety training and Fire Drill to enhance fire safety skills of shipbreaking workers
Published by : Ali Shahin Posted on : May 16, 2024

A fire safety training and drill was held at SN Corporation Ship Recycling Yard, a green yard, in Shitalpur area of Sitdakunda upazila in Chattogram on Thursday, May 16. Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), an organization for sustainable development, organized the training program to develop the skills of the workers
Sitakunda Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) K.M. Rafiqul Islam addressed the inaugural ceremony of the program as chief guest. Chaired by YPSA Coordinator Mohammad Ali Shahin, the program was also addressed by Labor Inspectors from Directorate of Inspection of Factories and Establishments Shubokar Dutta and Md. Shamim Hossain, and CEO of SN Corporation Mohammad Barkat Ullah as special guests. Al Mamun, senior officer in charge of Kumira Fire Station and Civil Defense, conducted the training program.

UNO KM Rafiqul Islam, in his address, said, “Shipbreaking is a heavy and risky industry. Therefore, such training needs to be organized so that the workers develop skills and capability of dealing with any type of risk. I would request all yards to organize such training to develop the skills of the workers.”
Applauding the initiative of YPSA the UNO said, “I would like to thank YPSA for working on the safety of workers in shipyards for a long time. Since this industry is an industry with immense potential, YPSA’s effort has been playing a vital role in the development of the industry.”

SN Corporation CEO Barkat Ullah said “We have already got the Green Certificate from the IRS and Class NK. Recently we have been listed with Japan’s famous shipping line NYK LINE. This means that Japanese ships are going to be recycled at our yard. For this, YPSA is doing a good job with the safe working environment and safety of the workers through training and drills.”

YPSA Coordinator Mohammad Ali Shahin said, “The fire drill at the ship breaking yard is part of our ongoing activities. We do it regularly in different yards. We provide training on fire protection, safe asbestos removal and safe ship recycling.”

After the training, senior station in-charge of Kumira Fire Station and Civil Defense Al Mamun conducted a fire safety drill at the yard. About 300 workers of the yard participated in the drill.