May Day 2020: YPSA express its solidarity to work with government to support the workers

On the eve of International Workers’ Day on May 1, the United Nations International Labor Organization (ILO) warned that half of all workers worldwide – amounting to 1.5 billion people – are in danger of having their livelihoods destroyed by the corona virus pandemic.
In line with the ILO, YPSA also urges the government for implementing occupational safety and health measures that can protect the lives of workers, their families and the larger communities, ensure work continuity and economic survival. YPSA emphasized that the shipbreaking workers do one of the most dangerous activity and being deprived in many ways and now these poor workers are loosing their income. YPSA urges the government and the owners of the shipbreaking companies to ensure the all the basic needs of these workers during this pandemic.
According to ILO report, the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has already had on informal workers, who have lost 60 percent of their income on average. The report says, when you consider that 60 percent of the global workforce work informally – no rights, no minimum wages, no social protection, no rule of law to deal with grievance – that’s simply an economic risk, as well as a social devastation that has to be undone. We must rebuild a more equal world that guarantees democratic rights and freedoms and allows for more equal development.
YPSA’s focal person on the worker’s issue admitted that the “May Day” is normally celebrated by demonstrations in different working areas of the organisation with government and other like minded organisation around the country to demand stronger rights and better working conditions. This year, the lockdown in many countries means the protesters to be stay at home. Mr. Shahin also added that YPSA will always be there to work joint with the government to help the workers to regain their income capacity and hope to have a much more stronger and fare society in future.