Worker died in RA Shipbreaking yard
Published by : Ali Shahin Posted on : April 13, 2021

Another shipbreaking worker, foreman, died by an accident while an iron sheet fell on him at RA Shipbreaking Yard in Chattogram’s Sitakunda upazila on 13th April, 2021.
The deceased was identified as Ataur Rahman (45), son of Shomser Ali of Kurigram, reports our staff correspondent quoting Abdullah Al Sakib Mubarrat, deputy inspector general of Directorate of Factory Inspection.
Ataur was severely injured after a solid piece of iron sheet fell on him last night, the official said.
He died from his injuries around 7am on the day after accident took place on 12th April while being treated at Chattogram Medical College Hospital, the DIG added.
News report: Worker dies after iron sheet hit